Magic Number 3

Consilience Post 3

The Ash Girl is structured as multiple sets of Borromean Rings, where lost parts are reclaimed and the pathway to wholeness paved, when the ‘properly chosen third’ shows up.

3 is the universal number of wholeness so let’s keep that in mind as we unpack CHAPTER 3!

It’s full of people desperately seeking something they have lost (perhaps at birth, or before this life) careening toward one another. If you recall the Borromean Rings and sacred geometry from MAP Chap 1 (yeah, my memory sucks too, so here is the link or just gut it out, I think this will still make sense . . . ) you might begin to wonder who needs to be brought together to fulfill the story foretold in the tarot deck, which Frieda has now finished painting, and who or what are the ‘neutral’ parties who have the attraction power to unify those lost parts back into a whole. No? Well this might be a good time to take a LOOK . . . (you can thank my friend Karen for the visual map - I made if for her and hope it helps keep all those names straight - I will remake it EACH CHAP so you can watch the shifts unfold!!!! No cheating and looking ahead if you aren’t caught up yet!)

Notice where the trios already exist! Hestia is THE THIRD THING that holds Athena and Artemis in their relationship . . . as their Aunt, with bigger fish to fry than either of her nieces’ egos and more power to boot (as a result of her neutrality!),…

Notice where the trios already exist! Hestia is THE THIRD THING that holds Athena and Artemis in their relationship . . . as their Aunt, with bigger fish to fry than either of her nieces’ egos and more power to boot (as a result of her neutrality!), she always reminds them that they need one another. Carl, a secondary ‘bit’ player (Charlotte’s brother) is the force that brings Charlotte and Ben together. Oh, did you think it was going to be a one-nighter? And what of Amelia Earhart? She sits at the nexus of more than one potential (re)unification story!

What if invisible forces were conspiring to bring THE THIRD THING into your life, on a regular, emerging, basis to re-unite you with lost parts that you need to (re)make you whole?

Might you pay more attention to seemingly random thoughts, signs, and connections?

Which brings us to Frieda and the twins born from ash. The subatomic science called, for shorthand, the Borromean Rings, goes something like this (please remember I am no scientist): atoms, when broken apart, express a negative and positive ion which immediately repel one another YET when they are splitting into these two aspects a vesica pisces (in sacred geometric terms) is created - an attractor, to which other (subatomic) particles attach in (endless?) combinations. These are the elements we know (and those that we don’t).

Out of 1 there is 2 and out of two there is . . . all(3)

Three Part Harmony A Beginners Guide to Constructing the Universe web.jpg


“. . . long, long ago, in times we simply cannot remember nor imagine, we were one being. Like a perfect glistening bubble floating in light, contented, even while inside storms raged around a peaceful center. One day, the first day, something happened, don't ask me what, causing the bubble to split into two—one and a perfect mirror opposite. The force of the split cast the second bubble far from its twin. In the moment, for now there were moments, when they were still overlapped, precisely by half, a portal was opened and all life spilled forth. And in that bounty the first two bubbles were lost to one another yet were always tethered by a powerful force, like a string or a wave curving back to itself.”

The tension created between the two energetic ‘poles’ persists and this tension is one way to describe what holds the universe together. It is also a way to describe the human condition of perceiving ourselves as separate beings who CONSTANTLY experience the tension (and relief) of pursuing that which we have lost to feel complete.

With all of this 3ness under our belts, where does Frieda, our Princess of Fire, fit in the picture so far? Though the cards have been painted, perhaps her Work isn’t quite finished. And THOSE TWINS!!! (If you are saying “who? what twins? you SKIPPED or forgot CHAP 2) I will leave that to you, dear readers, to dream about . . .


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Born of Ash

