“There was a falling star. You might have wished.”
— Heloise The Heroine Winter’s Tales by Isak Dinesen
This novel grew out of a series of tarot readings and journal entries that shifted suddenly from my childhood memories of playing in the woods with my little dog and an imaginary black bird to a myth making itself with my pen. It’s been out of my hands ever since.
photo by the divine Karen Barbuscak
a novel online reading eXperience . . .
When I love a book I want more . .
As I wrote this book, it took me on side trips and down rabbit holes that I am changed for. How might I share some of that pleasure, point in the direction of the truth and the myths and the hidden wonders that enliven in this work? This seems to be the answer, for now . . .
CHAPTERS aren’t really chapters so much as what’s next in this telling of The Ash Girl. At times they (re)sort themselves with curious effect.
QUEST(IONS) are linked at the end of each Chapter and Blog post to use for your personal quest, book club, or group of friends.
AUDIO is something that I want to offer, but I want it to be of the highest quality and be a magical listening eXperience. I am exploring how that might come to pass.
BLOG posts accompany each chapter - an author commentary and orienteering to the overall story, and deeper look into the symbolism, the science, the history, and themes. Your comments are most welcome AND might we think of that section not as critique, testimonial, or review, but the start of an intriguing community conversation aimed at Consilience?
MAPS point to the truth, myths, and hidden stories in the story, including tarot tutorials, links to my research, and other juicy bits* (like actual maps). As of CHAP 3 there are visual Character Maps that may be useful to remember who is who, and as of CHAP 4 you will find Tarot Maps for you to use to with your own tarot cards! Wonder where in the world The Ash Girl is on its quest? ADD YOURSELF to the READER MAP!
SECRET DOORS are scattered throughout the site leading to additional treasures that cannot be found by search engines. The doors are hidden in plain sight.
*I link to indie book outlets when I link to a book unless I can’t find the book on those sites, please support your local and independent bookstores and writers directly first!!! Thanks to my sister for this suggested enrichment to this site!
The Ash Girl is a fictional work . . .
Historic figures and events are re-imagined in the tradition of speculative fiction, a literary game of “What if . . .”
What if Amelia Earhart was swept off the playing board of a goddesses’ war for purposes no one in the game could see?
What if the uprise of women, the un-gendering of a generation, and the cataclysmic backlash of the natural world against human progress were foretold in a tarot deck very few know how to read?
What if that tarot deck was painted by the hand of Frieda Harris, but under the eye of the Mother of Mothers returning full force, offering a prophecy in the deck of four girls who will be born to rebalance the world?
What if your true path is a prophecy and all you need to do is listen to your ancestors and guides and leap.
Donations are optional and much appreciated. While I have chosen to give this work freely to the world, the practical matter of artists paying for rent, food, and web-hosting fees is something you may feel is worth offering the price of a book or cup of really good coffee. Donations are shared with a Partner for Good. Donate Via Paypal and Venmo for now.
sharing with friends
This is an experiment in friend to friend distribution of a book. You won’t find it on Amazon, you can’t buy it in a store. But when you email the link to a few friends and ask them to pass it on, or post to your fav social media thing, you get exponential possibilities . . .
Did you know that if you share your experience and referral with 3 others, and they continue the x3, it only takes 12 ripples out from YOU at the center to reach 1, 549,323 people?
I have been to another world, and come back. Listen to me.
— Mark Helprin, Winter’s Tale