This Ash Girl Partner for Good is near and dear to my heart. A portion of every purchase until the goal is met will be donated to the GOFUNDME campaign of my sister-in-law, Michelle Clossick. Michelle founded a shelter in Bowling Green, OH spending years of selfless toil creating programs and a safe house for victims of domestic violence. 3 years ago, she was in a minor car accident that resulted in a traumatic brain injury. At the end of their financial rope, Michelle and her family agreed to let the family start this campaign. With the money raised, she has paid for the first of two successful non-covered surgery to repair damage to her inner ears that has restored a quality of life that is tolerable. The second upcoming surgery, we hope, will restore her to the a place where she can resume pouring her gifts into her community. Thank you for your help to get Michelle back to her GOOD WORK.