tarot maps
The High Priestess
TAROT MAP | THE HIGH PRIESTESS adaptation by A’Lis Bly
USE WHEN . . . the guides want you to more deeply understand what is at the HEART of your life path now, the FORCES at work, what is moving into your conscious and how you can help bring that forth, and WHAT’S NEXT on the journey. And, on rare occasion, they may reveal the answer to WHY this is your life now. This is secret knowledge of The High Priestess alone. When this card is a Major Arcana card, the priestess is communicating to you directly.
SHUFFLE . . . until cards rest. From the top of the deck, place the cards on the map in order as shown on the map.
READ . . .
1./2. The HEART of your life path now
3. Waning Moon FORCE losing power
4. Full Moon FORCE in present power
5. Waxing Moon FORCE rising in power
6. Unconscious aspect working on the HEART matter
7. Conscious aspect working on the HEART matter
9. The SECRET of THE HIGH PRIESTESS. If a Major Arcana card the answer WHY me, WHY now is revealed. If a Minor Arcana or Royalty card it may be read simply as an amplifier or missing piece of the rest of the story.
As you read this story, keep connecting each piece to 1./2. the HEART of the matter. This is a dynamic, a situation, a blockage, a vision, a gift that is important to move through on your path. All of the other cards are revealing HOW this can and (with your) Will be done.
Your job is to pay attention, ‘call up the mountain’ for guidance and support, TRUST the unfolding, and LEAN in to what is and what’s coming, making guided adjustments in your thoughts, feeling, and actions.
I find that the ‘work’ to do typically lies in 4. The Full Moon - typically creating some kind of ritual to enhance a positive state, integrate and move through a negative state, embody a Major Arcana elemental force of the Universe, or invite the mastery and qualities of the Royalty card to be yours. (Often in the form of an actual person coming to your aid, although it might not look like aid in the moment!)
As with all readings, resonance of colors, patterns of numbers and suits should also be considered.
And lastly, conclude your reading with a view of the ‘new moon’ crescent created by the 5. 6. and 8. cards. With your compassionate and appreciative attention to this emerging part of your story, you lead the ‘examined life’ Parker Palmer says is all we can offer, and it is enough.
Attribution: This tarot map is adapted from The High Priestess layout in The Crowley Tarot: The Handbook of the Cards Book by Akron and Hajo Banzhaf; the background image is ATU II High Priestess from the Harris | Crowley Thoth Tarot, artist Lady Frieda Harris.