The Ash Girl
by A’Lis Bly
For my daughter Claire
Hun Vedverte
Chapter 5
May, 1945 CE
The Village of Ash
Once there was a story and no one to tell it.
As Grandmother spoke, the girl settled herself closer; the pair were excused from the work of women and girls in their village lest their strangeness spoil the bubbling disks of injera as they baked or taint the healing essence of the plants hanged to dry in the African sun.
“Tell about the tree and the bird and the girl by the sea,” Asmeret begged.
Chapter 8
What came next is this.
Asmeret stared at the card in her hand; curls of blonde hair escaping the helmet, intelligent blue-gray eyes full of questions. Eyes, she realized, that couldn’t see her, though they seemed to try. Asmeret looked from Athena to Hestia. Then to the wisp she understood was her grandmother, now an ancestor.
Chapter X
And so we find our story at the turn of the wheel. A gate. A passing through place. Spinning toward the next way of being.
On this morning, Asmeret awoke to blood between her legs. More curious than frightened (she was no stranger to blood) she immediately remembered the initiation ceremonies.