The Ash Girl
by A’Lis Bly
For my daughter Claire
Hun Vedverte
Chapter 3
7 June, 1941 CE
Oxford, England
"Lady Harris?" She heard the words as if she was far under water. The name drifted past, paling to an echo. She barely recognized herself by that name, or any other these days. Cold washed over the exposed skin on her arms and she instinctively drew the cape closer around her. It was more a work of art than a garment.
Chapter 6
9 July, 1960 CE
Tree, on the Red Sea
Once a year she startled awake, gasping for breath. Reached for him as he slipped away. Wait! Wait.
When she was younger, Asmeret could still see his blue-black-blue face, the color of the ancient kings and queens of their tribe. Smell the blood of their mother on him. Hear his breath. Feel his heartbeat next to hers as it had been for the time in their mother’s womb and the no-time in the no-place before that.