The Ash Girl

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MAPS: Chapter XVI

The Eye and the I

Chapter XVI offers a very tight focal point on Charlotte following her return from the Goddesses’ Basecamp. It’s subtle, but she now has the perspective of both worlds, represented in the Tower card by the Eye of Horus at the top, which I am taking literary license in this case to rename the Eye of Ara.

While the Primary World continues to be a place of war, destruction, and terrors, Charlotte models and teaches the freedom that is possible when one identifies the “I” not with the physical body and this life, but with the essence, the mana, of which the body is a vehicle. (Borrowed that bit from Campbell—its a hoot when he tells it—have I yet recommended it directly, that you listen to The Power of Myth on audio?) With the Eye of Ara one can see the ever-expanding universe across all of time in the stillpoint of the wildfire.

There is FREEDOM in that leap.

I write this on September 13, 2020, a moment when the Towers falling on our planet are EXTRA. ATU XVI, as I mentioned prior, is one of the four foundational principle cards for 2020, amping up in the fourth quarter of the year (that’s now). While the destruction is heightened (in particular I see the fires raging all along the West Coast of the US) so too is the vibrational force and heightened consciousness of freedom I see rising all over the place.

What’s Next?

ATU XVII The Star.

There is a new story to replace this one.

Great Endings

I have been surprised at the tension of ending this book, not for me, but for you. The ending has been the ending (with small tweaks) for several years, and truly, while I choose what to put where on the page, the ending is, well, what it is.

But the pressure to create an extraordinary eXperience amped up as I approached these last bits of The Ash Girl. Will you feel full, satisfied, and hungry for what’s next at the same time? Will the story stay with you, rattle and bang in your bones? Move you to know who and what you are?

The truth is that it’s out of my control. So I relinquish control to a vision, then I breathe (that’s my wise mom’s advice to her kids and grandkids all the time.)

The vision is that this book ends for me, and for you, where the goddess energy rising anthem from The Greatest Showman meets the end of JoJo Rabbit.

I am posting both below, but PLEASE trust me . . . don’t miss the chance to see the end of JoJo Rabbit FRESH off the entire movie. If you have seen (and loved it) you will enjoy this revisit. If not, I don’t want to spoil it for you!!!!!!

View the CHAPTER XVI Character MAP

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