explore the stories behind the story of
The Ash Girl
facts, truths, images, links, treasures, and juicy bits by chapter
Reader Map
where in the world is The Ash Girl on its quest?
MAPS: Chapter 3
Doors between worlds are everywhere in The Ash Girl . . . door in the floor of an attic, the door to the goddesses’ cavern in your dreams, a god and goddess slipping into the body of a man and a woman to experience, briefly, the pleasures of flesh and bone.
MAPS: Chapter 6
Asmeret was the one to show me how to lay the cards in this way. I was on a five day silent writing retreat on a beautiful snowy day in January, 2016 when this scene (you just read in Chapter 6) was written. As I wrote Asmeret laying the cards in the Wheel, I stopped, pushed back all of the furniture in my borrowed condo living room, and did as she did.
MAPS: Chapter 8
The Ace of Disks has long vexed me. Aces are hard enough, the best most can do is explain them something like, “Aces include all of the suit but only in the sense that it represents the seed or the source without any of the attributes.” Huh?
MAPS: Chapter XI
Freya, The Fortuneteller, came into this story much as Charlotte and Alicia did—a thin wisp of character whose voice and story grew more insistent until I had to make the space they demanded.