secret door

Beyond Belief

— by Lisa Connors (aka A’Lis Bly) 2017

“The Three Princesses of Whiteland,” illustration by Kay Nielsen. From the collection of fairy tales from the North, East of the Sun and West of the Moon.

“The Three Princesses of Whiteland,” illustration by Kay Nielsen. From the collection of fairy tales from the North, East of the Sun and West of the Moon.

I wrote this paper for writers to better understand the conditions they might make for readers to have a transformative experience through a work of mythic fiction. The Ash Girl was in progress at the time. It might be interesting for you (as reader or writer) to take a peek behind the curtain.

My thanks to David Huddle, Sherry Simpson, and Rick Barot at RWW who helped shape myriad thoughts and stacks of books into something cohesive and perhaps even useful.

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I hope you enjoyed the journey through this secret door. This material is not searchable on the web so please don’t share directly, but feel free to send friends in search of the door on their own.